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  • Words of Wonders: Crossword

    Words of Wonders: Crossword CPI Ofertă

    Actualizat Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 10:30 AM CDT

Welcome to Words of Wonders! In this fantastic crossword game, you will improve your vocabulary and spelling skills at the same time you travel around the world discovering the hidden secrets of the 7 wonders and also incredible cities.

In WOW you will start with few letters as an unique clue, you will have to test your brain to write and create new words from scratch and connect all of them to get the final crossword solution. Will you master this vocabulary game? Sometimes you will have the solution clear in your head, but sometimes you will have to guess the solution as there won't be more words to connect. This game is a perfect entertainment tool to improve and develop your searching, writing, and solving problem skills.

Puzzle by puzzle you will travel around the world while solving every crossword and every challenge that may arise. Connect letters to get the final solution and travel to a new country! Is there any better than discovering the world while learning new words and improving your vocabulary?

What strategy will you use? To solve the puzzle at a first sight by guessing or maybe by finding one word at a time? What will be the next city to quit from your bucket list? In this amazing crossword game, you will visit all of them!


How many words do you actually know? Your alphabet may be more limited than you think...or maybe not! These puzzles are challenging and will test how broad your vocabulary is, how you combine different options, and if you can search well enough to solve the jigsaw.


This crossword game will merge the needed skills you need to solve every riddle. You will need to master the vocabulary to go to the next levels. There are extra words to find on each level if you want to make a puzzle more challenging.


Join the quest and enjoy your trip around the world to visit the seven wonders! Connect them with your knowledge and you will have advanced a lot. Each monument is unique and has a different letter to guess. You will learn new vocabulary but also you are learning about how wonderful the earth is at the same time! Will you be able to create a hidden sentence?


Words Of Wonders (WOW) will test your vocabulary as you discover the wonders filled with challenging levels. Begin your journey with the first wonder and climb your way up to reach the top. Each wonder and level will get progressively harder and will be unique, thanks to the game’s rich database. Connect the letters without lifting your finger, find the hidden words on the board!
Enjoy the simple and beautiful game design and also the wide variety of levels and puzzles that will give you more fun during the play!

Words Of Wonders (WOW) is a challenging word game from the makers of Wordz. Let the adventure begin!

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