Unblock It • Android CPI Offer

Drag or swipe the wooden blocks. Clear a path for the blue colored block. How many moves do you need, to complete the game? Features: ★ Zen, wooden block theme ★ 24 challenging levels ★ Interactive hint system to help solve the puzzle

$1.67 CPI

Lead Generation: Yes
PPC Advertising: Yes
PPV Advertising: Yes
STATUS: Inactive / Reached Cap
Banner Ads: Yes
Interstitial Ads: Yes
Pop Under Ads: Yes
Native Ads: Yes
Source: CPAlead.com
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This offer is provided direct by the CPA Lead generation network and real time bidding marketplace. CPA Lead is the leading source for CPI mobile app install offers, affiliate products, and CPA offers.

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      Drag or swipe the wooden blocks. Clear a path for the blue colored block. How many moves do you need, to complete the game?


      ★ Zen, wooden block theme
      ★ 24 challenging levels
      ★ Interactive hint system to help solve the puzzle

      Unblock It