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  • Balance Battle

    Balance Battle CPE Offre

    Mis à jour Friday, August 9, 2024 at 7:45 AM CDT

Balance Battle is an exciting and challenging game where you control a ball, aiming to collect points by touching existing balls on the screen. As you move, you must also balance your ball on a platform to prevent it from falling. Suitable for players of all ages, Balance Battle combines strategic movement with careful balancing, providing an engaging and fun experience.

Key Features:

1. Simple Controls: Scroll on the screen to move your ball with ease.
2. Challenging Balance: Maintain balance to keep your ball from falling off the platform.
3. Point Collection: Gain points by touching other balls on the screen.
4. Engaging Graphics: Enjoy bright and appealing visuals that enhance gameplay.

How to Play:

1. Scroll to Move: Use your finger to scroll on the screen and move your ball.
2. Touch Existing Balls: Navigate your ball to touch other balls on the screen and collect points.
3. Balance Carefully: Ensure your ball stays balanced on the platform to avoid falling.

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